Sunday, March 11, 2012

   I must admit, it was a lovely day today! it was brisk but sunny out, I traveled by bus to see a dear friend on her birthday. She has a quick witted Grandmother and an outspoken Mother that had me entertained thoroughly. I have always found that i get along better with people that are older than me (i never got along with people my age and when i was a teenager..well..I hated teenagers).

   I spent most of the time at my friends Birthday get together being antisocial..or maybe i really have nothing in common with people my age (though I love my friends company dearly and she and I can talk for hours, I am not so good with others). I know I am this way because of the way I was brought up but it never dawned on me that because I felt older (for as long as I can remember) meant that I would have problems forming relationships or bonds with people my own age. Its not that I don't like people my own age, its that (though i try..really really hard) people my age are either 1. full of shit 2. unsure of everything so they put up a front of being all knowing (when really its all bullshit coming out of their mouths) or 3. they have nothing interesting to say..mostly because people my age haven't gone through much (let me preface this by saying most..not all people my age, just in case I get yelled at for this).

   It was lovely all in all and my friend, lets call her Jem, (because she was spotted trying on a crazy blond with and when I pointed out that she looked more like Jem than Barbie she responded with "Oooh I love Jem!!)  was a lovely host as always. She promised to teach me how to knit (she works for a knitting/yarn company) and I promised to teach her how to make fresh jam. We are calling it "the old lady's weekend" we might even have a few drinks at an inappropriate time of the day

Oh and by the way, I will be posting my recipes, techniques and instructions for every project I post up so keep a look out :).

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