Saturday, March 10, 2012

 Its a strange thing for me to start a blog, let alone make my first post (i have twitter for the last year and have yet to make a single post, mostly because i feel twitter is our generations yenta center..i don't have time to sit around and talk to the walls so i don't bother with it). 

 I'm a privet person and I am NOT okay with this new media craze where people find the need to airing there dirty laundry for the sake of a paycheck and a few laughs..oh yes and the 15 minutes of fame. 

 With that said I am keeping my identity a secret. Not because I'm a nonconformist but because i feel i can speak more freely when I'm not worried that what i have to say might come off harsh and end up hurting someone (all names will be changed...of corse :p. Also because i am sick and tired of fake keep this all between us :). Oh and THIS BLOG IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN OR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18...because like i said..i speak my mind..all of it :p

A little bit about me...I am a 27 y/o female..I will be going by the nickname THE SQUIRREL on this blog (i love squirrels) and I am part of the 99%. Not that this is what this blog is about but non the less it is true. I have started this blog though because of this fact (i wont go into the 99% for now). 

 Because I am employed 5 to 7 days out of the month (and i have sent out my resume like its free toilet paper which by the looks of it and lack of responses it is) I don't make enough to survive and so i have had to find ways to make it through until i can find work. Being jobless has made me depressed, my insomnia has kicked in full gear (I don't even want to talk about my libito because that is shot to shit)and i find myself slowly turning into an old woman (i have always felt older even at a very young age but this is fucking ridiculous). 

Anyway, I am embracing my inner 80 y/o and sharing it with you..along with projects i do to make myself happy, stories about my life..Oh and ill also share tidbits on how to survive on close to $500 a month..crazy..yes..helpful? maybe..funny? always :). These are the crazy things that happen to a Squirrel living in New York :). 

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