The gist of it is that LFTB [lean finely textured beef, otherwise known as 'pink slime'] which in essence is "pink slime" which is "a ground mixture of bovine waste trimmings that are disinfected with ammonium hydroxide to kill pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli."......what...what?....WWWHHHHAAAATTTT???? If your reaction is what as well then yeah...its sickening. Now to make matters worse McDonald's, Burger King, and Taco Bell have all stopped using it due to public outcry (and we are talking about 3 of the worse, most unhealthy fast food chains and not even they will serve this shit) but "Pink Slime" is now being bought (7 Million pounds of ground meat containing The slime) and served to YOUR CHILDREN AT SCHOOL!! and guess home as well and the USDA doesnt even tell you! It is estimated that about "70% of all ground beef in the U.S. contains LFTB. At present"......WWWHHHAAATTT?!?! I HAVE BEEN EATING THIS SHIT EVEN THOUGH I HAVE BEEN AVOIDED FAST FOOD SINCE I WAS 10?!?! AND NO ONE HAD THE BALLS TO SAY IT EARLIER???..OHHhh..I think I'm going to throw up...bbbbrrrrhhh....bbbrrrhhhhaaaaa.
A woman by the name of Joanne Smith, who was the former undersecretary of agriculture and also served as president of both the National Cattlemen's Beef Association and the Florida Cattlemen's Association gave the okay because she said "It's pink, therefore it's meat."....WHAT?!?!?!...yes..she was quoted saying something so fucking stupid...that might just beat out Marie Antoinette's dumb blond moment when she said (out loud might I add) "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" (let them eat cake). Pink slime...really? meat? After she left the administration in 1993, some idiot appointed her to the BPI (Beef Products Incorporated) board of directors.
These are the idiots (spokesperson Rich idiot being paid to an idiot and make everyone else look like an idiot) that where also quoted in saying (please someone shove a shoe in these people's mouths before they say something stupid again) "Including LFTB [lean finely textured beef, otherwise known as 'pink slime'] in the National School Lunch Program's beef products accomplishes three important goals on behalf of 32 million kids. It 1) improves the nutritional profile, 2) increases the safety of the products and 3) meets the budget parameters that allow the school lunch program to feed kids nationwide every day."....was anybody listening...SOMEONE SHUT THESE DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS UP..LORD ALL MIGHTY ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! THIS IS WHY CHILDREN INCLUDING MY OWN LITTLE SISTERS ARE GETTING FAT, HAVE CELLULITE AT AGE 10 AND ARE DEVELOPING HEALTH PROBLEMS WHERE THERE WERE NONE IN THE PAST!!.
Truth is, lord knows what we are really eating. It could be chicken but then again it could be could be beef or it could be scraps of the butcher floor...who the hell knows but ill tell you one thing, I will be buying ONLY ORGANIC GROUND BEEF from now on. Costco, Whole Foods, Krogers, Publix, and Tops Markets all say they don't sell never know!!!!!
Pink Slime
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